WRONGust | EMS Monthular

Welcome to the Earth Modular Society Monthular challenge. This is a monthly optional patch prompt to inspire your creative process. To participate, stream on EMS and tag @monthular-stream on the #monthular channel of our Discord before or after you stream. Or, just do the challenges on your own for some patch inspiration!

This month we patch our synthesizers “wrong.” What does this mean? It’s up to you! Defy music convention / the user manual / synthesis 101.

Some ideas that have been suggested:

  1. use sounds that feel wrong to you
  2. use sounds that feel wrong to others
  3. patch things in ways that feel wrong to you
  4. fart sounds
  5. make rhythms that feel wrong
  6. write melodies/chord progressions that don’t resolve
  7. mix poorly on purpose or just go against industry advice
  8. use a bass or percussion sound as a melody
  9. use a melodic string sound as percussion

Playlist of all our WRONGust entries from August 2022 below:
